Monday 3 June 2013

~I'm a Big Big Girl~

Time flies.

mom and dad said,

I'd always cry out loud in the midnight like someone was torturing me.

Panics them.

But I still think i am cute though.. haha
(very in love with my self)

I was a very smart girl. 
I wonder what had happen to me now..
Parents and aunt said 
I'd always share my things with my cousin. 
see the girl on the right side?
yeah~ there she is. 

we were at the beach collecting seashells,
I collected many beautiful seashells and 
little cousin wasn't fast enough to pick up as much as i do.
she cried.
Well, I am a good sister, 
I gave her all my seashells then i ran to my Mom
and CRY for my LOST

wearing the same cap. 
We are close
Same interest in THE SIMS

a bunch of crazy yet caring and supportive cousins

Glad to have this family where out of 34
34 of us are christian!

Everyone has a different talent, 
we appreciate and accept each other as a whole.


We've been through world war 3
We are like COUPLE
unlike brother and sister.
We serve God together,
We exchange Idea
We ask each other for advice.

Family requires Respect and Trust

I think we did a good job on that. 

They molded me,
Respect and Trust is my main principle in a relationship. 
Break that, you will know what it taste like if you mess with me.

Nice to meet you,
my name is
a name that has a meaning of JOY

Love Never Fail
1 Corinthians 13:8

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