Wednesday 4 February 2015

Learning to Let Go

It's been 71 day since those days

I dare not say that was completely miserable 

Nor will I say I was happy.

You were sincere before we started our relationship Which I though it will be the most beautiful relationship
I thought it will last..
I thought.
doesn't matter what i thought now.

Now it seems like we are never going back

I remember that day when i asked to break up.
i never mention about breaking up every time you hurt me. 
... well, maybe i did warn you about i may not be able to continue a relationship like this if this happen again
But again and again.. 
Forgive, Patience, Love
My friends pity me
You failed me, but i took a step back instead of confront.

Others may ask "Why don't you confront"
well, HAHAHA
How many times I've confronted ? How many times I'd talk to you about it?
What happen next?
I apologized for not capable to handle your ego. 
I apologized for not trusting in you which made you lie to me.
I apologized for being not good enough to you that you need other girls to satisfy your wants.
What a joke!
When I asked to break up, you were so shocked. 
You thought I'm going to be the HAPPY girlfriend and keep quiet for what you've done to hurt me?

I feel so relieved 
I do not need to be afraid anymore. 
Say goodbye to nightmares and to lies

This is the summary of the summarized summary. 

Faith - Hope - Love