Wednesday 24 July 2013

Half-Year . Stress end? Just started

Though but sweet,

Because of Him.

Today is day 192 :)

in between

there's 86 days where he was at National Service

Hard time. 

But yet, we've been through 

Guess what,

We are preparing and praying hard for next week.

He need to meet my parents officially and have a talk.

Is kinda easy for others but not my parents.

they are normal parents with special identity. 

What kind of questions a pastor will ask? 


Pray Hard

I think we will be okay~ 

First Semester of Diploma in Early Childhood Education end!

After three weeks, say hi to the second semester.

In this three weeks, 

I will just stay home,



Get enough sleep

and have Healthy Life Style

before the unhealthy life style forced to begin again.

I Thank God for Everything He Gave :)

Tuesday 23 July 2013


After three months of suffering,

I'm now FREE!

Just for three Weeks ~

After that will be the second semester.

My holiday mode started officially on Monday, 22th July, where I went to Mid Valley with my friends ~

Watched movie , enjoy Korean chicken bibimbap, chatime and COTTON CANDY .


after that,

Another movie at his house and enjoy dinner with his family!

Laugh Out Loud

What a day, what a relieve ~

God has been with me throughout the whole semester,

That is why I'm still alive now ~

Receive a lot of love and strength in prayer meeting yesterday :)

I thank God for His love
I thank God for His peace
I thank God for His grace
I thank God for His mercy

Friday 12 July 2013

Best Friends' song

Two Voices

Is so rare to find a friend like you
Somehow when you're around
The sky is always blue

The way we talk , the things you said
The way you make it all okay
And how yoI know all of my jokes
But you laugh anyway

If I could wish for one thing
I'll take the smile that you bring
Wherever you go in this world
I'll come along

Together we dream the same dream
I'm here for you
You're here for me
Ooh ~ two voices one song